Friday, March 12, 2010

The infected are coming....

I have another scary one for you tonight. It is an older movie, but I actually just watched it for the first time tonight. 28 Days Later is a really good movie. I suspected it to be just another version of let’s say Resident Evil or something like that, but it was way better. For example on Resident Evil the infected people just kind of walk around. They aren’t any real big hurry to catch their victims, but in this movie the infected people are like track stars which make it even scarier. The movie is set in Britain. The whole infection kicks off when animal activist try to save some animals from experimentation. They definitely should have listened to the scientist before they made a big mistake. The infection is very contagious, and is spread through the blood, but of course the infected are very hostile, and don’t really care about spreading the virus to other people. The lead character is Jim who wakes up from a coma, to find the whole country totally upside down. How horrible would that be? To wake up from a coma to find out a deadly virus has turned everyone into flesh-eating monsters? This is definitely not my idea of a happy recovery. Luckily he meets up with some survivors, and they are able to fill him in on some super zombie survivor tips. This movie is packed full of really jumpy scenes. At one of those points in the movie where people are going into dark places you know they shouldn’t be going I totally started pacing, and lecturing the television. This movie also had a very high gore factor. So if you are a squeamish person, this movie is definitely not for you. There is actually a sequel call 28 Weeks Later. I bought the two disc combo at Wal-mart. As soon as I watch that one I’ll fill you in on which one was better. Have a good night, and don’t let the infected crazy people bite.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hey Jude....

Tonight’s movie is most likely not as well known to people as the others I have discussed, but it is definitely one of my favorites. If you’re a Beatles fan you will love this movie. Across the Universe is a musical that involves some of the Beatle’s most popular hit songs. I know most people hear musical, and they run the other way, but do not knock this movie before you watch it. The songs (composition wise) are not exact copies of the Beatles originals, but believe me the music is phenomenal. It is only made better by the actors who sing them. Immediately after I watched this movie I downloaded the entire soundtrack off I tunes. From Hey Jude, to She’s So Heavy, every song on this soundtrack is awesome. I’m so busy jabbering about the music, I probably need to talk a little about the movie. The lead character is of course named Jude. A young man from England who goes to America to find his dad, and ends up getting a lot more than he bargained for. On his first day there he meets up with this Ivy League college student named Max which sets the stage for the rest of the movie. I’m not going to tell you the whole plot, but I will tell you this is a very thought out movie, and each song fits so well into its specific place in the movie without being corny. It may be just me, but I definitely love this movie. It’s hard to even count how many times I’ve actually watched it, and even just listened to the songs. I don’t know if it was purposely done, but there are two characters that remind me of Janis Joplin, and Jimi Hendrix whose music I also love, and there is even a small cameo by Bono in the movie as well. At least just try to watch it once, and if you don’t like it you can totally say I told you so. Have a great night, and happy movie watching.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"So helpless against what is coming."

I figured it would be a good idea to switch gears. My range of movie taste spreads throughout the whole spectrum. Even to horror movies. Actually scary movies are probably my favorite. I can not pinpoint what it is, maybe the rush of adrenaline a person gets from being scared. I don't know, I just know I like them. My movie for tonight is 30 Days of Night. This movie was directed by David Slade, and he did a mighty fine job of it. The movie was nominated for numerous awards, although it failed to cash any in. I would definitely not compare the Twilight vampires to the ones featured in this movie. The vampires featured in 30 Days of Night are ruthless, and definitely blood thirsty. Josh Hartnett plays the lead role of Sheriff Eben Oleson, and the movie is set in a small Alaskan town named Barrow. For one month out of every year this town plunges into an endless night. Which is perfect for the hungry vampires to reign terror on the town. Most people leave during this period, but the unfortunate few that are left behind experience an overwhelming amount of terror. My favorite aspect of this movie is that the vampires are so vicious. When I watch a vampire movie I think you should be scared, not fall in love with them like in the Twilight series. Don't get me wrong, I have read the books, and watched the movies. I agree the books were awesome, and the movies were o.k., but when I think of vampires I think of deadly, night loving creatures. Such as the ones that are featured in this movie. It also has the twists, and jumpy parts that no good scary movie can be without. Not only is 30 Days of Night a movie, but there are also books, and even a t.v. show. To all the scary movie lovers you must watch this movie. If you have already you most likely know where I'm coming from. If your a scaredy cat be sure and leave the lights on.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"I am a golden god!!"

If you haven't noticed I'm using famous quotes for the title of each post pertaining to the movie I'm writing about. All good movies have those key moments that everyone remembers. Of course tonight's movie is Almost Famous. It is a movie about a boy genius trying to make it as a music writer for Rolling Stone. He sends some of his work into the magazine, and lies about his age. He ends up getting an assignment, and a life-changing experience when he ends up on tour with an up and coming rock band named Stillwater. The lead role William is played by Patrick Fugit who totally rocked the part. Kate Hudson also stars in Almost Famous as Penny Lane. The movie was directed by Cameron Crowe, and recieved two Golden Globe awards including Best Picture, which was definitely deserved. Anyone who loves rock music will most definitely love this movie. Who am I kidding? Even if your not an avid fan of rock music you will still love this movie. It shows the ups and downs of being a rockstar, and also intertwines the difficulties of growing up. William is just one of those characters you have to fall in love with. He is one of those sweet guys who always ends up getting their heart broken, but he gets to experience this awesome journey while doing it. The random part is he ends up being the grown up, and basically the voice of reason among all these rock stars, and roadies. The there is Penny Lane, Kate Hudson's character. This role basically launched her career, and with good reason. Penny is the roadie of William's dream, but she is in love with the lead singer of the band Thus creating the infamous love triangle, but I won't spoil it my revealing too much. Almost Famous is just one of those movies that you watch over and over. It is also necessary to go on right after, and buy the soundtrack. So go to the movie store, pop some popcorn, and enjoy the show.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Life is like a box of chocolates.....

Tell me you got the hint. One of my favorite movies, and also one of the greatest movies of all time is Forrest Gump. The lead character Forrest was played by Tom Hanks who was accompanied by a great cast. The movie received six Academy Awards including best picture. There is really nothing bad to say about this movie. It reels you in from the beginning, and takes you on this wonderful journey through key moments in our history. A few historic moments in the movie included Watergate, the desegregation of the University of Alabama, and the Vietnam War. The first time I watched this movie I laughed, cried, and felt a surge of sympathy for Forrest. He faced so many trials in his life because he was different, which a lot of people could definitely relate to. He was a very simple-minded person, but that is the thing that made him so great. We were able to watch him falling love with Jenny his childhood sweetheart, graduate college, go to war, play ping pong, and the list goes on and on. It was just an incredible movie, and if you don't think so you have not watched it. For all the people out there who indeed haven't watched it go out and rent it immediately. You will not be disappointed.